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Call for Papers

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ICTC is the unique global premier event for researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested in the latest developments in the emerging industrial convergence centered around the ICT. More specifically, it will address challenges with realizing ICT convergence over the various industrial sectors, including the internet infrastructures and applications in wireless & mobile communications, smart devices & consumer appliances, mobile cloud computing, green communication, healthcare and bio-informatics, and intelligent transportation. The conference is organized by KICS. The conference will include plenary sessions, technical paper sessions, and invited industrial/ special sessions. Accepted technical papers will be published in the proceedings with an assigned ISBN number. You are invited to submit papers in all areas of internet infrastructures, services, technologies, and applications for ICT convergence.
Potential topics in this conference include, but are not limited to:
  • 6G, 5G-adv, 5G, OpenRAN, and CloudRAN
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Autonomous Driving and Vehicular Communication Technologies
  • Big Data Anayltics and Its Applications
  • Blockchain
  • Communication Networks and Future Internet Technologies
  • Security for ICT Convergence
  • Energy Internet, Smart Grid Infrastructure, and their Applications
  • Green Communication Technologies
  • Information and Communication Theory
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Objects (WoO)
  • Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and D2D Communications
  • Maritime Communications Systems and Networks
  • Military and Defense Technologies
  • Mobile Cloud Computing
  • Satellite, HAP, and Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANETs)
  • Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) Communication
  • Quantum Computing and Communications
  • SDN and Network Virtualization
  • Smart Media and Smart Devices/Appliances
  • u-Healthcare Systems, Bio-informatics, and their Applications
ICTC 2024 invites the submission of original, unpublished research work (including position papers) that is not currently under review elsewhere. Authors may submit either a 6-page full paper or a 2-page short paper. Some high-quality full paper may be invited to journal publication. The submissions should be formatted with single-spaced, two-column pages using at least 10 pt (or higher) size fonts on A4 or letter pages. Please make sure that both full papers and short papers must be at minimum 2 pages in length. Detailed formatting and submission instructions will be available on the conference web site (
During ICTC 2024, Keynote Speeches, Industrial Talks, and Special Talks will be delivered by high level VIPs and prominent speakers
The accepted paper will be presented either in an oral session or poster session. All accepted papers will appear in the ICTC 2024 proceedings only if at least one of the authors attends the conference to present the paper.
Extended versions of selected outstanding papers will be recommended for possible publication in SCIE or Scopus indexed journals including Journal of Communications and Networks, ICT Express, and Journal of KICS.
ICTC 2024 will present the Best Paper Awards to the authors of selected outstanding papers.
  • Paper Submission Deadline: August 23, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: September 10, 2024